Molly and Max visit
This weekend has been very eventful as the humans noticed that I had a little bald patch above my eye. Being on the safe side, they decided to call up the vets to check me over.
Now, most doggies hate the vets, but not me! I literally love it! I go to a lovely local vets called Molly and Max which is in Parsons Green and they have special dog and cat seperate waiting areas. Probably for the best because I get a little over excited when I see cats!
The lovely people at Molly and Max give me lots of treats just for being cute so I really don't mind a quick check over for some chicken!
Anyway they had a look at me and dyed my eyeballs green to check for anything that might have caused my bald patch... I look pretty scary!
Must remember to pop in on Halloween!
Anyway- turns out that I am OK and the vets gave the humans some cream just to be on the safe side.
PLUS- check out my rosette... It's a Royal Canin slim pet award for my perfect physique! I'm not one to blow my own trumpet (and I suppose I have my humans to thank for my portion control), but I'm glad that the vets can see my fine puggy form! I'm quite greedy if I'm honest but humans keep telling me they are being cruel to be kind. All the walkies has paid off as I am looking January gooooood!
This is me modelling my rosette once my green eye went down...
Just check out that waistline! Girl puggys- I'm single and ready to mingle!